Creator Profile: Miyake Keinaka


Miyake Keinaka

Somerset, England. 

Creative Outlet(s):
Media, Art, and Narration. (currently in practice of the theatre) 

Your art in three words?
Experimental, dimensional, flexible. 

Why video? 
Why not video? 

First thing you did this morning? 
I Prayed. 

Last thing you did last night?
Clean my teeth with a water flosser.

Most commonly used apps on your phone?
Snapchat, Notion, The Pattern (not really), Google calendar 

Currently reading? 
Sophie Calle’s artist biography, The Secret History DT


Currently listening?
The Japanese House always, John Mayer, Krystal by Matt Maltese 

Currently watching?
White Noise, TÁR 

A filmic recommendation?
Marriage Story.

Someone you look up to? 
Haruki Murakami 

Something you're proud of? 
Self courage, the inner need to experience associated with the decision to move abroad

How did you overcome a creative challenge?
Read through my old journals, setting rituals (esp in the morning), going into a new setting

A secret?
I sometimes consider journalism as a field of life science because that may give me an excuse to travel more. 

Lately, I’ve been inspired by…  
The courage and confidence of others.  

I feel most creatively fulfilled when… 
I am alone and in the wilderness (I live in the countryside); when I am given nothing to create something. 

I'm currently working on…
An art project inspired by the works of Robert Rauschenberg as I'm an art scholar :) 

This time last year, I wish I knew… 
What I really wanted was a different kind of ‘being in love,’ non traditional, but synonymous to ‘the-self’ —perhaps… but that could change again. 

I'm grateful for… 
Blue skies and clear stars 

Vulnerability is…
Beautiful and underrated.